15 June 2009

Quote on Monday ...

Mark Twain
1835 - 1910

'It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think your a fool than to open it and remove all doubt'

If there is one book that I read over and over again it is Mr. Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". He writes with such wit and satire that at times I can't help laughing out loud. Sometimes to great surprise to my fellow house mates (read: lovin' husband to be and our 3 cats) usually followed by utter annoyance from their side. Same thing happened when I read the above quote.

We were all sitting on our settee (the thing inspired me to name my blog the sobbing ... but more on that later) resp. silently reading, watching tv and sleeping. When I just burst out in laughter upon which my lovin' husband to be yelled out in pain ... It so happened my outburst woke up the cat who was sleeping on his legs and by hearing my spontaneous vocal spasm planted all nails in his skin and wouldn't let go.

Which ofcourse made me laugh even louder ...


Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

Twain is the best. I recently picked up a copy of this autobiography, that I have sadly not yet read. Have a very happy Monday.

Weißer Vintagezauber said...

thank you for your nice comment. :o)
Many greetings,
Elke from Germany ;o)

idémakeriet said...

Heerlijk moet dat zijn om zo te genieten van een boek. Ik ben niet een leesster, nooit geweest, ja tijdschriften verslint ik maar meer niet.
Grappig om te lezen dat je ook een rasechte weegschaal bent, erg moeilijk soms. Heerlijk om te weten dat alle keuzes nu zijn gemaakt, hopelijk vallen ze nu ook goed uit.
Fijne dag vandaag.
Groetjes Gerda

Julie@beingRUBY said...

What a beautifuk blog you have. I will certainly be back for more. Thanks: Julie

C@by said...

He mir,

Die man heeft wel iets...elke keer als ik die naam hoor of hem zie dan krijg ik een apart gevoel van binnen, stom misschien haha..

Prachtige blog heb je..wist niet dat je die had...bloos bloos....ik ga je volgen hoor....

Caab( just caab)