4 August 2009

Quote on Monday ...

... That's all I seem to do lately ... posting a quote on Monday. For three weeks in a row now.
What ever happened to my plan to post more often and more importantly in a divers variety! Time has not been my best friend a guess ... or better yet I just have to get my priorities sorted out (Ouch !!!)

I promisssssssss (really really really I do) that my next stream of words will be about somethingelse than a qoute ... Although I love them to bits !

'You must be the change you want to see in the world'

- Mahatma Ghandi -
1869 - 1948


Julie@beingRUBY said...

One of my favourite Quotes though! And the pic is so cute! Have a great week x Julie

Joan@anythinsggoeshere said...

I love the quote and what a cute little donkey! I see Julie has been by also! xo Joan

Anonymous said...

The donkey is a darling & your blog lovely!!

Swedish regards from Agneta

basiclabelSweden said...

Zeg nou ben ik een leek op het gebied van computer dingetjes of sites het is een raadsel dat ik een blog heb, maar hoe kom ik aan jou mooie lettertype?

Of is dit te brutaal gevraagt, nee toch :o) hahahah..

Groetjes uit Zweden.

Made in Persbo...Carina said...

Hi there!
Thank´s a lot for your sweet words!
Oh yes, ofcourse I get tired somtimes of living in a "hard hat area". Before we bought this house we had another old house så we have reconstructed houses for 14 years now. Can´t even remember how it feels to live in a house where everything is nice and tidy.
But, I can´t complain. It´s my own choice and compared to living in a apartment in the city...this IS LIFE! :)
Sweet hugs, Carina

Tuur said...

pff vertel mij wat tijd...ik wil ook mijn tijd beter besteden ...helaas blijft het bloggen dan als laatste....